Adoption of Wearable Technology for Elderly: Best Practices

Wearable technology has the potential to provide a useful mechanism for delivering care to the...

Wearable technology has the potential to provide a useful mechanism for delivering care to the elderly. However, care providers and family members should assist in adopting wearable technology for the elderly to make it easier for older adults to adapt to and use these new technologies.

The adoption of wearable technology among the elderly is still low compared with other groups. This disparity may be due to a need for more knowledge about how wearables can help older adults live longer, healthier lives or because many seniors view them as unnecessary or even intrusive. Many seniors don't want to adopt wearables because they fear losing their privacy or having their personal information compromised by hackers.

Why Is the Adoption Rate of Wearables Still Rather Low Among Older People?

Wearable technology for older adults is a growing industry. While it’s not yet mainstream, wearable technology for the elderly is rising.

Many people use wearable devices to track activity levels, heart rate, respiration, sleep, and other health metrics. While there may be some challenges to adopting these devices, they can be overcome with education and training.

Several factors contribute to the low adoption rate of wearables among older people. Some of these include:

Lack of awareness about wearable technology for the elderly – Many older people don’t know about or understand how it can help them improve their health and well-being. Many caregivers don’t know about or understand how wearable technology can help.

Limited information - Wearable tracking devices for seniors were introduced not too long ago, and there needs to be more information about how they work or how they can benefit seniors.

Lack of standards - There are no standards regarding what types of wearables should be used for elderly people and which ones should be avoided. 

The appearance of being old - Many seniors do not want to use wearables because they believe it will make them look old or because they think it is unnecessary to monitor their health conditions.

Adoption of Wearables Among Older People

Lack of a support person to help with the device - Most users need support from friends or family members when using a new device like a smartwatch or fitness tracker, which makes it more difficult for them to adopt wearable technology since they do not have anyone who can help them set up their devices or troubleshoot any struggles.

Why Is It Growing and Expected to Grow Faster In the Future?

Wearable devices are becoming more popular with the elderly. The number of companies offering wearable technology for seniors is increasing every year, but there are still many questions about how best to use these devices. This makes a difference since the needs of seniors differ from those of other age groups. Additionally, wearable devices have come a long way in appearance. Seniors don’t just want a watch with an alert button.

The COVID Push Towards Technology

Wearables are becoming more popular among seniors because they help them stay connected with family members and friends while living independently at home. The two years of COVID pushed seniors towards increased use of technology so they could stay in contact with loved ones. Seniors desperately wanted to avoid isolation and could stay in contact with loved ones through texts, emails, phone calls, video calls, and more. This allows them to feel like they were part of their families everyday lives, even when they were away from home for extended periods of time.

Health and Wellness

Wearables also allow them to stay active by tracking their steps and calories burned through apps like Fitbit or Google Fit, which can motivate them to be more active throughout the day so they can reach their goals faster.

Increased Independence and Safety

One of the main reasons why wearable technology for seniors is growing is because it can help them maintain their independence and safety. This is important because many older adults have been forced into retirement due to health issues or major life changes that have occurred over time. The use of wearables for these people can help them maintain their independence and safety by giving them access to information about themselves that they may not be able to obtain otherwise.

Wearable devices for elderly

Many older adults also suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart conditions that require regular monitoring by doctors and nurses. Wearable devices can monitor these conditions automatically and send alerts to caregivers when they need attention.

Improved Quality of Life

Wearable technology is growing in popularity with the elderly population, as it provides a way for seniors to stay connected and engaged. Wearables are also more affordable than ever, making them cost-effective for those on a fixed income.


Wearables are expected to grow faster as they offer seniors many benefits that traditional devices do not provide. Wearable tracking devices for elderly can monitor health, alert family members of hazardous situations, and help seniors maintain their independence through GPS tracking.

What Factors Influence the Adoption of Wearable Technology For the Elderly?

Wearable technology for the elderly is a new trend in the tech world, with some of the best products being developed for this age group.

Wearable technology for seniors is built to help them live a more independent life by providing them with vital information and assistance in their daily lives. These devices are designed to make it easier for elderly people to manage their health, finances, and social interactions.

The adoption rate of wearables among the elderly is still low compared to other age groups, but it has steadily increased over time. Many companies are finding ways to make these devices more effective for seniors by making them easier to use and more user-friendly.

Challenges and Barriers to Adopting Wearable Monitoring Devices For the Elderly

Wearable technologies are becoming increasingly popular for both personal and professional use. However, some challenges and barriers stand in the way of adoption by the elderly population.

Privacy. Many seniors are concerned about their personal information being accessed by strangers. They may also be worried that the data collected by the devices could be used against them in some way or shared with insurance companies.

Battery life. Wearables are often worn all day long, so they need long battery lives. Otherwise, they would need to be charged frequently throughout the day — which could be a problem for people who are physically unable to do so themselves.

Ease of use. Finally, there is also a need for better user interfaces to make these devices easier for seniors who may need to become more familiar with the technology.

Wearable Device Interface

How Can These Barriers Be Resolved?

Wearable technology is a growing industry and has the potential to improve the lives of elderly people significantly. However, some barriers need to be resolved to improve adoption by this demographic.

Benefits of Wearable Technology for Elderly People:

  •       Wearable technology can help elderly people stay connected with family members and friends. This can reduce their feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  •       Wearable safety devices for the elderly can ensure that elderly people take their medication on time and follow their doctor’s orders. This will reduce their risk of falling ill and becoming hospitalized. This also helps reduce healthcare costs associated with treating illnesses such as pneumonia, which are more likely in older people.
  •       Lack of knowledge about how to use the device, including how it works and how to connect it with other devices.
  •       The elderly may not see the benefits of such a device, especially those with limited mobility or dexterity.
  •       The elderly may be unable to afford these devices, which are usually expensive and require monthly fees for service plans.
  •       Elderly people may have hearing or vision problems that make it difficult to understand directions given by a device or its app, or they may have trouble reading instructions on a screen. They also might need more reliable access to Wi-Fi or cellular networks that can be used to transmit data from their wearable device to other devices like smartphones or computers.
  •       Elderly people who live in assisted living facilities often wear medical devices that monitor their heart rate and blood pressure, which may conflict with the functionality of some wearable fitness trackers or smartwatches.

Best Practices to Alleviate the Adoption of Wearable Tracking Devices for the Elderly

While it can be helpful for caregivers, home health providers, and family members to know where their loved ones are at all times, some may find it difficult to convince their elderly relatives to use these devices. Here are some best practices that can help you introduce your loved ones to wearable monitoring devices for elderly:

  •       Choose the right type of wearable technology for their needs
  •       Keep it simple
  •       Speak the language of your audience
  •       Make it easy to use
  •       Make sure it's comfortable and safe
  •       Make sure it's secure.


Wearable technology provides a wide range of benefits for the elderly. It can help improve their overall health, safety, and comfort. Wearable technology allows caregivers to monitor their loved ones more closely, which can be especially important for those living alone.

Wearables can provide real-time information about the elderly person's location and activities. They can also send alerts about potential hazards such as falls and other problems that may require immediate attention.

The information provided by wearable devices can help caregivers make better decisions about how best to care for their aging loved ones. This enables them to ensure that their elderly family members get the right amount of exercise, eat healthy food, take medications properly, and do everything else they need to do to stay healthy.